Glossary of Places and other things which are not served!
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It is the abbreviation of Casa, the home. But be aware, in Venice, casa it is a little more that a mere small cottage, “casa” corresponds to a Palace: Ca' d'Oro, Ca' Pesaro, Ca' Dario...Caligo
Caligo is a light mist which magnificently shrouds Venice with mystery while allowing you to make superb photographs!Calle
The calle (in the plural Calli) is a narrow street. And in Venice, you cannot avoid the narrow calli.Calle Stretta

A calle stretta seen from below If you go on the Campo San Polo to the sestiere (district) of the same name, you are going to find Calle Stretta, impressive in this respect... it is only 65 centimeters wide! To abbreviate, they also call one calletta...
Calle larga
Ahhh, you can breathe! As this name points it out, this one is a wider calle which sometimes, but not always, includes some stores.Calle lunga
Of course, this one is long!Campo

"Campo Santa Margherita Campo, in the plural Campi, is the equivalent of the “square”. The campo almost systematically has the right to a church.
Campo word means “field” and what is amazing about it is prior to being laid with cobblestones or paved, the campi of Venice was on plowed earth and often cultivated.
When at the end of “square” such as is reserved for the place Saint-Mark, the “Piazza” gives way to the Piazzetta. Those slick Venetians must find it too amusing to see the tourists getting entangled in all these names!
And yes, they have even “small square”. Since you understand Campo, the campiello is a small campo, a small square. Moreover, in the campiello there is Campasso.Canal
Of course you know what a canal is.But in Venice, as with many other things, it is more complicated. There are in effect only 4 canals which have the right to this title: the Big Canal, the Canal of Cannaregio, the Canal of Misericordia and the Canal of Giudecca.
All the others are at best Rii, plural of Rio.
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It is a shed for boats.Chiesa
It is the church, and their number is rather impressive in Venice. Many Venetian Chiese (plural) are one thousand years old, such as the Chiesa San Samuele, constructed exactly in year 1 000.Ciacole
In Venetian, this is chatter...Corte
Corti (in the plural) is common courtyards for several houses. They often reach it by a little calle or a porch.Crosère
Crosère is crossroads, simply, as the name points it out definitively.F
It is a metal stem.Felze

Gondola Felze It was the cabin which covered the gondolas until about 1950. Very practical for Casanovas...
Originally, the roofs of gondolas were covered with ferns. It is this practice that gave the roof of gondolas the same name as the plants.
Ferro de prua

Ferro de Prua It is the metal part which is at the prow of gondolas.
They say that the six teeth represent six sestiere (quarters) of Venice and that the iron on the side corresponds to the island of Giudecca while its upper bowed part represents the doge’s hat.
In brief, a true symbol of Venice!
Fiuboni de prua
They do not leave gondolas; it is about small bridges of the prow here.Fogher
It is a chimney which begins in about a meter of the soil and is installed in the center of a room, usually surrounded with benches to be able to warm up one’s feet.Back to Top of Page
It is a warehouse. The origin of word is Arab: funduq, which translates to inn.They can even see today along the big canal, leaning along the Rialto, the Post Office was for years, inside the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, which, as the name points it out was reserved for the German traders.

Fondamenta Cannaregio Along a canal, it is the bank for pedestrians.
Fondamente (in the plural) are more customarily along the canals than along rii (plural of rio) but exception exists and they also find fondamente along some rii.
When the fondamenta is in front of an expanse of broad water, as the bacino di San Marco for instance, it can then become known as a "riva".
It was a dual-purpose building that acted at the same time as warehouse and as palace, a little like the farms in the countryside, but much richer!Forcola

Forcola Gondola In the plural, Forcole, these are pitchforks to hold oars, without them, panic aboard!
There is only one in a gondola and it is carved from walnut wood, please! The carpenter who sculpts the forcole (in plural) is called a remer.
These are small slippers covered with velvet very cozy and native to the region of Frioul. They were adopted with pleasure by the Venetians for their comfort. We’ve given you a good address to buy it in our section about Shops.A - B | C - F | G - O | P - Z
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