Making of Venetian Carnival Mask in Papier-mâché with Plaster Molds

Making of a Venice Carnival mask
Venice Carnival Programme
Venice Carnival Programme ➤Entirely manufactured by artisans, masks are made in a clay mould where the model of the mask is the relief (positive).
Then, they put this mould in a wooden box where they overturn the plaster to acquire a hollow plaster mould in which they put small pieces of papier-mâché, beginning with the edges.
It is meticulous work that asks for patience and method because all these pieces of wet paper must hold together and create a uniform surface: that of the mask when they detach it from the plaster.

Making of a Venice Carnival mask Each of these white masks accepts the colour and decorations which enliven it and make it unique as a face.
You will find any kind of mask in Venice, from those of the Commedia dell'Arte (Harlequin or Pantalone) to leather to the most elaborate papier-mâché carnival masks.
Of course, we recommend those of papier-mâché, because they come from an artist and therefore are guaranteed to be locally produced.
Once the “white” mask is fabricated, next follows the talents of the painter.

Making of a Venice Carnival mask Some masks go above and beyond to the point of reproducing pictures or famous drawings.
Everything is a matter of taste; depending on motives and colours, you will be attracted to this or that model.
Nevertheless, at the best mask creators in Venice, the choice is often challenging in terms of beauty and quality with so many competing masks on display.
At these Venetian artisans of the mask, every mask will therefore have been fabricated manually; band by band of papier-mâché, and also hand painted.

Making of a Venice Carnival mask In conclusion, it is a unique copy you will buy and possess.
It is also good to know that there are masks “to carry” and only fancy masks to be hung in your living room.
You can buy a mask to be carried, which is at the same time decorative, but you will see that they are nevertheless often somewhat different.
Here you know everything about the carnival masks of Venice, you supporting to open the eye to avoid tricks and your heart (as well as your grant) for the one who will enrapture you and transform you into.
Here, you learn all about the masks of Venice while you keep opening the eye to avoid deceptions of your heart (as well as your wallet) which will charm you and transform you into a Venetian Prince or Cinderella.
Venice Carnival Programme
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