The Painters of Venice - Venetian Painting

Canaletto Grand Canal and Rialto Bridge Being a painter in Venice: What happiness!
It is not surprising that Venice was able to attract and keep so many geniuses of painting was able to inspire so many artists, Venetian or passing, from Veronese to Titian to English Turner or French Manet.
They all fell under the spell of its mesmerizing, religious or even mysterious atmosphere when an evanescent veil of mist overlaps the lagoon and palaces.
Light and Colors
The light of Venice is magical; all Venice painters felt it; it vibrates, envelopes, models, sublimates everything it taps: landscapes, passers-by, and hearts.Venice is Light, Venice is Colours, Venice is vibrations, Venice is Life, and all Venice's art breathes this beauty, a beauty so often divine.

Canaletto, The Piazzetta St. Mark Venice is Light, Venice is Colors, Venice is Vibrations, Venice is Life, and all art of Venice breathes this beauty, so often a divine beauty.
It shows More colour than elsewhere, joy too.
Seeing the Assumption of the Virgin of Titian, Richard Wagner, subjugated by the work's exuberant virtuosity and the joy emerging from it, decided to write the “Masters Singers”.
It was the most beautiful tribute a musician could pay to a painter, who sings Life to delight ours.
We invite you to discover, to rediscover, to admire with us all the treasures of Venice's painting in these pages that we wanted as alive as art in Venice.
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