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Dental Surgeon, Gastroenterologist and Dentist in Venice
Doctor Rado, Dental Surgeon in Venice

Docteur Rado, Dental Surgeon in Venice Doctor Guido Rado is both a dental surgeon and a gastroenterologist as well as a specialist in digestive endoscopy in Venice.
Dr. Rado is also an odontologist.
He is an excellent professional who we are going to get treated ourselves.
In addition to his medical qualities, Doctor Rado has another one for you: he speaks English well.
You will therefore be able to tell him precisely your problem without having to take a dictionary or take the risk of a misunderstanding.
Doctor Rado and all his team are also particularly friendly Venetians, which is also nice when you go to a dentist!

Rado Dentist Office
Doctor Guido Rado
Doctor Rado's office is a three-minute walk from the Rialto Bridge.Calle del Tagiapiera, 4899/A
San Marco
30124 Venezia
Phone: +39 041 520 9456
Opening days and hours
Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Helpful Pharmacies Emergency | Dentist | Post Office | Police | Lost & Found | Public Restrooms | Consulates | Venice Tourist Board | Banks ATM | Internet Wi-Fi | Photo Video | Phone | Babysitter | Stroller
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