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Art Story Power | Tintoretto Paradise | Architecture | Staircases | Senate Collegio | Atrium
Doge's Palace in Venice: The Senate and the Collegio
The Collegio or Serenissima Signoria

Salla del Collegio, Collegio Chamber The Collegio was the heart of the government of the Republic of Venice.
It consisted of the doge and six councillors, plus the three chiefs of the Council of Ten and the Grand Chancellor.
It was located on the second noble floor of the wing overlooking the Rio di Palazzo, right next to the Senate Hall or dei Pregadi.
The current room is covered with a coffered ceiling designed by Palladio and decorated with Veronese canvases depicting the “Virtues of Venice” namely Fidelity, Prosperity, Mansuetude and Simplicity.
There is also another canvas of Veronese depicting the famous naval battle of Lepanto.
The very luxurious decoration of this room was obviously linked to the fact that the highest Venetian authorities gathered there, but it is also necessary to know that it was here that foreign ambassadors were received, that it was appropriate to impress!
The Venice Senate in the Doge's Palace
The Senate Hall was located right next to the Collegio Hall, on the noble second floor.
Senate Hall, Doge's Palace It was to be able to accommodate up to 200 people, namely the members of the Senate and those of the Zonta.
It has a monumental ceiling, we can see only him so much it is massive and present, made in the forerunner style of baroque by Cristoforo Sorte.
The room as can be seen today corresponds to the last restoration undertaken after the fire of 1574.
Numerous fires regularly destroyed parts of the Doge's Palace throughout its history, and most of the damage was in the upper floors, both easy prey to the homes that generally originated in the lower floors and were at the same time more difficult to control in the floors superior to the time.
It is for this reason that all the upper rooms of the Ducal Palace have, during its history, been the most often rebuilt or renovated rooms.
The Doge Residence

Salla del Collegio, Collegio Chamber The apartments of the doge were located on the noble first floor of the wing overlooking the Rio di Palazzo and adjoined at their end the Basilica San Marco.
The doge could thus go to the basilica without having to leave the Palace, which guaranteed him increased security, an element to be taken into account when we know the number of Doges who were murdered in Venice.
These apartments are beautifully decorated by paintings by Tintoretto, Veronese or Carpaccio as well as by magnificent fireplaces by Tulio and Antonio Lombardo.
They also have equally remarkable stucco ceilings and stucco ceilings.
These apartments were composed of ten rooms, the private apartments of the doge were on the canal, and the reception and ceremonial rooms looked onto the courtyard.
Art Story Power | Tintoretto Paradise | Architecture | Staircases | Senate Collegio | Atrium
Doge's Palace Art Story | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
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