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Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice - Tintoretto “The Annunciation” “The Adoration of the Magi” and “The Flight into Egypt”
The Ground Floor Hall of the Scuola Grande San Rocco
Tintoretto “The Annunciation”
Oil on Canvas (422 x 545 cm) 1585-1587
The Annunciation
“And entering her house, he said, “Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with thee.”
When she heard this she was troubled, and wondered what this greeting could be. And the Angel said to her:
“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God.
And behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.” [...]
Mary said: “I am the slave of the Lord: let it be done to me according to your word!”
Gospel according to Luke I, 26-38.

The Annunciation The Virgin Mary, absorbed in her domestic chores, is both surprised and frightened by the angel Gabriel and this whirlwind of cherubim preceded by a dove (symbol of the Holy Spirit) who swoop down on her like a draught!
The light and the power of the Spirit break into this house, which is dominated by calm and serenity: outside, carpentry tools hang on the wall, and Joseph is absorbed in his work, unaware of what is happening at home.
Every element of the scene is depicted with great realism, yet it is full of poetry, because it is purely imaginary: with its half-ruined brick column, the simple carpenter's house astonishes with its mixture of luxury and poverty.
The half-worn straw basket and chair, the tiled floor and the table contrast with the large four-poster bed and the ceiling worthy of a palace: but we must remember that Joseph is a descendant of King David!
Tintoretto “The Adoration of the Magi”
Oil on Canvas (425 x 544 cm) 1582
The Adoration of the Three Wise Men
“At the sight of the star, they rejoiced with very great joy.
And when they entered the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother and fell down, prostrate, before him.
They opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh;
Gospel according to St. Matthew ch.2, 10-12.
In the foreground to the left of the painting, Joseph is standing at the foot of the dais, watching the scene.

The Adoration of the Three Magi Near him, a young woman on her knees, her face no higher than the floor at Mary's feet, waits humbly with her basket, near which a pair of doves can be seen.
With a subtle blend of sumptuousness and simplicity, Tintoretto offers us a very beautiful staging of the homage paid by the Magi to the infant Jesus.
A modest interior visited by crowned heads bringing rich gifts to the child of the house.
But these wise kings recognised in him their peer and spiritual superior.

The Adoration of the Three Wise Men Close to Jesus, a noble king wearing a magnificent turban with a golden crown, bows respectfully as he gives his offering.
Another, on his knees and dressed in a long ceremonial cloak, has placed his crown on the floor of the sort of elevation where Mary and Jesus are seated.
Behind them, a black king approaches to honour Jesus with the same fervour as his two predecessors.
His face is turned towards the light-filled exterior, where a procession of armed horsemen can be seen moving and pacing to the rhythm of the brushstrokes of their creator, Jacopo Tintoretto!
Tintoretto “The Flight into Egypt”
Oil on Canvas (422 x 580 cm) 1582-1587
The Flight into Egypt
“When they had withdrawn, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said:
Arise, take the child and his mother with you, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you: for Herod is going to seek the child to destroy him.”
Ev. According to St. Matthew ch. 2, 13-14.
Joseph and Mary flee Herod's wrath by avoiding inhabited areas.
They make a stop in a wooded area that hides them from possible onlookers.

The Flight into Egypt And, despite the lyrical beauty of this landscape, which shows us all the charm of country life, these characters going about their business so quietly could tip off their pursuers.
Soft light illuminates a succession of shots, revealing a great depth of field that underlines the solitude and vulnerability of this threatened family.
The light also highlights the seriousness and sense of responsibility of Joseph, who appears elderly with his bald head and white beard surrounding his patriarchal face.
And the young Mary, wearing a beautiful red dress under her greatcoat, sits on the back of the tired donkey and holds in her arms her precious baby, whom she contemplates with love.
On the ground beside them, a pilgrim's staff with a simple bundle and a travel flask as luggage.
History Art Scuola | Rivalries | Crucifixion | Pilate Ecce Homo Calvary | Official Painter | Snake | Moses Manna | Sin Isaac Jacob | Adoration Temptation Breads | Probatic Pool Last Supper | Olive Garden Resurrection | Pianta | Annunciation Adoration Flight | Innocents Circumcision
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