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Videos and Pictures of Venice in December 2021

Unknown Venice Venice Deserted Pictures
Happy New Year from Venice!
The Venice Christmas Tree in front of St. Mark's Basilica
Happy New Year!
Santi Apostoli Canal
Santi Apostoli Canal in the Cannaregio district in VeniceSan Felice Canal and Bank
San Felice Canal and Bank in the Cannaregio district in VeniceVenice Christmas Tree

Venice Christmas Tree
Venice Christmas Tree in front of the Doge's Palace

Venice Christmas Tree
Venice Christmas Tree in front of the Marciana Library

Venice Christmas Tree
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Venice Christmas Tree in front of the Doge's Palace
Venice Christmas Tree
Christmas lights at Saint-Mark's Square in Venice

Christmas lights at Saint-Mark's Square
Madona de l'Orto Canal
Madona de l'Orto Canal and Gasparo Contarini Bank in the Cannaregio district in VeniceThe Maddalena Church and Canal
The Maddalena Church and Canal, in the Cannaregio district in VeniceThe Lion Bridge and the Greci Bell Tower in Venice
The Lion Bridge and San Lorenzo Bank with the Greci Bell Tower, in the Castello district in VeniceSan Lorenzo Canal and Bridge
San Lorenzo Canal and Bridge in the Castello district in VeniceMaddalena Canal in Venice
Sant'Antonio Bridge and Maddalena Canal in the Cannaregio district in VeniceSan Felice Canal and Bank
San Felice Canal and Bank in the Cannaregio district in VeniceThe Misericordia Canal and Bank
The Misericordia Canal and Bank in the Cannaregio district in VeniceDei Muti Bridge and Canal
Dei Muti Bridge and Canal in the Cannaregio district in VeniceThe Piovan Bank and the Miracoli Canal
The Piovan Bank and the Miracoli Canal in the Cannaregio district in VeniceMaddalena Church and Canal
Maddalena Church and Canal in Cannaregio district in VeniceSan Francesco de la Vigna Church in Venice
San Francesco de la Vigna Church and Confraternita Square in the Castello District in VeniceGondola on the Pietà Canal
Gondola on the Pietà Sant'Antonin Canal in the Castello in VeniceVenice Arsenal
Venice Arsenal in the Castello DistrictGondolas on Mendicanti Canal in Venice
Gondolas on Mendicanti Canal in front of Cavallo Bridge in the Castello in VeniceGreci Church and Bell Tower
Greci Church and Bell Tower in the Castello district in VeniceThe de le Gorne Canal and Square
The de le Gorne Canal and Square in the Castello district in VeniceSanta Giustina Church, Bank and Bridge
Santa Giustina Church, Bank and Bridge in the Castello district in VeniceSanta Giustina Church and Square
Santa Giustina Church and Square in the Castello district in VeniceSant'Andrea Canal and Bank in Venice
Sant'Andrea Canal and Bank and the Corrente Bridge in the Cannaregio district in VeniceGondola on Venice Grand Canal
Gondola on Venice Grand Canal in front of the Fabbriche Novehe Bandiera e Moro o de la Bragora Square in Venice
he Bandiera e Moro o de la Bragora Square and the Badoer Gritti Palace in the Castello district in VeniceGondolas on San Severo Canal in Venice
Gondolas on San Severo Canal, Tetta Bank and Cavagnis Bridge in the Castello district in VeniceGondola on the Santi Apostoli Canal in Venice
Gondola on the Santi Apostoli Canal in front of the Falier Palace (13th century) in the Cannaregio district in VeniceThe Greci Bridge and Bell Tower in Venice
The Zorzi Liassidi Palace on San Lorenzo Canal with the Greci Bridge and Bell Tower in Castello district in Venice2021 January | Feb-March | April | May-August | Sept-Nov | December
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