Guggenheim Artists | Location | Opening Hours Tickets | Authorizations
Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
Cy Twombly at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice Italy
Cy Twombly “Untitled - 1961” Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice Italy
Painting - Oil, Crayon, Lead Pencil on Canvas (133.4 x 151 cm) 1961
Cy Twombly, Untitled 1961 This canvas, “Untitled” by Cy Twombly, made in 1961, is both naive and symbolic.
It presents the naivety of a child's drawing.
The innocence of childhood is enhanced by the light-beige colour of the background of the canvas.
The graffiti's naivety and the spots dotting the painting are counterbalanced by their position and by the play of lines and diagonals that they form between them.
Here is the imaginary world of children, rebuilt by Cy Twombly.
A world Twombly suddenly reminds of reality by introducing a window in the centre.
Cy Twombly “Untitled - 1967” Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice Italy
Painting - Oil based house paint, Wax Crayon on Canvas (127 x 170.2 cm) 1967
Cy Twombly, Untitled 1967 In this second canvas by Twombly, also “untitled” and painted a few years later, the childhood relationship is still present, suggested.
It's a chalkboard written in chalk.
Chalk so present that you almost feel the smell.
In any case, the illusion is perfect.
This picture is built on the theme of repetition of signs, curls, tight, perfectly aligned under each other.
Freedom of signs, writing, picked up in strict order of lines, stuck between the board edges.
Constrained freedom, you feel free at the beginning of the line, the writing is leaning, dynamic, trained and, the closer you approach the end of the line, the more the hand is straightened, compressed to stop against the right edge finally.
Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
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