Biennale Biennale Art | Architecture
Biennale Art 2024 | 2022 | 2019 | 2017
Artists Armitage | Bove | Bendayan | Bertlmann | Canosa | Chiha/Karim/Abdallah | Condo | Da Corte | David | Gruyter/Thys | Hamilton | Hernandez | Ihrman | Jamie | Jarpa | Jungerman | Kensmil | Kolíbal | Liu Wei | Marclay | Mehretu | Minoliti | Moulene | Muholi | Mulleady | Ozbolt | Pieski | Prouvost | Puryear | Shishkin | Singer | Sokurov | Stanczak | Taylor | Upson | Ursuta | Wagner/Burca | Wilkes| Yi A. | Yoon
Laure Prouvost “Deep See Blue Surrounding You” / “Vois ce Bleu Profond te Fondre” Venice Biennale International Art Exhibition

Laure Prouvost, Deep See Blue Surrounding You The French pavilion of the Venice Art Biennale presented the artist Laure Prouvost.
Born in 1978 in Croix in the north of France, Laure Prouvost comes from the wealthy Lainières family of Roubaix, who also owned the Marie-Claire group.
A protester? Rejection from her family? Certainly provocative like many contemporary artists.

Laure Prouvost, Deep See Blue Surrounding You She sometimes lives in a caravan in Croatia while sharing her professional life between London and Antwerp.
The work exhibited at the French Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, entitled “Deep See Blue Surrounding You”, is quite disturbing disarming.
No entry through the front door of the pavilion.
You are forced to walk on a steep dirt path (not recommended for the elderly because it is difficult for those who have difficulty walking) that goes down along the pavilion in the middle of wild bushes.

Laure Prouvost, Deep See Blue Surrounding You We then arrive at the service door in the basement of the pavilion.
The atmosphere of an abandoned building barely lit, creepy, dirt, dirt...
We are then invited to climb a staircase that finally brings us back to the light.
We are then presented with a large room with a blue-green glass floor representing the sea on which mixed animal and industrial rubbish adorn the floor.
We see seaweed, octopus and fish made of Murano glass, “stranded and frozen” on this mother-sea-glass slab.

Laure Prouvost, Deep See Blue Surrounding You They represent “Liquidity has become hard”, according to Laure Prouvost.
We go to another room where a movie is being shown.
Its theme is that of a group of talented young people who leave Nanterre to arrive at the French Pavilion in Venice: fantasy, quirky poetry, all in several overlapping languages.
We leave the screening room to enter the last room, dark, whose only temporary light comes from opening the exit door of the pavilion each time a person leaves it.
The atmosphere is strange; everything seems abandoned while being intimate. A kind of cocoon that rejects you.

Laure Prouvost, Deep See Blue Surrounding You This last room offers large tapestry frescoes six to eight meters long and two meters high, where the themes of the previous rooms are taken up.
Along with this dreamlike tapestry, a rough cement-soil-sand floor, where seaweed, rubbish, concrete iron, a construction grillage, a large pair of eyes or breasts made of Murano glass, a cod with seven pink udders, eggshells stuck on the fresco, bits of rope, nets, pieces of wool and strings.
A Prévert inventory at the end of the world, what’s left of life? Everything seems to belong to a dead past, frozen at best.
The fresco-tapestry is a painted collage from which faces, characters, algae, elements of modern and ancient architecture, Western and Eastern, emerge, presented as many mixed elements, glued to each other.

Laure Prouvost, Deep See Blue Surrounding You A complex set with multiple references to which are added those of the banners of texts painted on the work:
“I should give him a string beat. A call.
The world is preparing a heat down.
Here we go... let’s follow the light...
MT GREEN surrounding you.
I’m just water that works.
I was born to be bele.
We will float.
In the tunnel take rakes with a shovel.
I can feel my lungs evolving back to this.
Towards the Future Past.
Let’s go and milk the chicken.
We’re going to put the oil back in the ground.
Blue licking you.
Put butter in his spine.
Pink Vapper on the Horizon.
We are the tentacles that think what we...”
Laure Prouvost
Artists Armitage | Bove | Bendayan | Bertlmann | Canosa | Chiha/Karim/Abdallah | Condo | Da Corte | David | Gruyter/Thys | Hamilton | Hernandez | Ihrman | Jamie | Jarpa | Jungerman | Kensmil | Kolíbal | Liu Wei | Marclay | Mehretu | Minoliti | Moulene | Muholi | Mulleady | Ozbolt | Pieski | Prouvost | Puryear | Shishkin | Singer | Sokurov | Stanczak | Taylor | Upson | Ursuta | Wagner/Burca | Wilkes| Yi A. | Yoon
Biennale Art 2024 | 2022 | 2019 | 2017
Biennale Biennale Art | Architecture
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