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Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
Pollock Alchemy | Circumcision | Two | Direction | Moon Woman | Croaking Movement
Jackson Pollock “Direction” at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice in Italy

Jackson Pollock, Direction Painting - Oil on Canvas (80.6 × 55.7 cm) October 1945
In this painting by Jackson Pollock, “Direction” painted in 1945, we can see, in the lower right corner, two figures inverted: 4 and 6, to form the number 46.
The number 46 was the number of Jackson Pollock's home in Carmine Street in 1936.
Pollock considered that this number 46 brought him luck, that he was his “magic” number.
Hence its use in this canvas.
An intense blue, red and yellow painting, all in symbols where the direction, its title, seem inverted, the top is down, upside down.
Pollock Alchemy | Circumcision | Two | Direction | Moon Woman | Croaking Movement
Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
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