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Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
Miró Seated Woman | Dutch Interior
Joan Miró “Seated Woman II” at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice
Painting - Oil on Canvas (162 x 130 cm) 27 February 1939
Seated Woman II Joan Miró made this painting “Seated Woman II” in 1939, an essential date since at that time, having had to flee the Spanish War, he was in Paris, just like Picasso.
The horror and violence of this civil war are represented in this painting by Miró.
The woman's face, with bulging eyes, sharp teeth, mandibles placed in front of her lips, the fangs of the lower jaw, preceded by a hanging animal tongue, is no longer human.
Her breasts are like bottles, and her body is a confrontation of contrasts of colours.
A dissected body, tortured, mixed with cosmic, aerial and marine elements: fish, bird, moon, star.
A body that remains female with its nursing breasts and the pendant she wears at the neck, of a particularly suggestive shape for this reason.
Miró Seated Woman | Dutch Interior
Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
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