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Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
Calder Arc of Petals | Bed Head | Mobile | Earrings
Alexander Calder “Arc of Petals” at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice
Mobile Sculpture, Aluminium (Height 214 cm) 1941
Alexander Calder, Arc of Petals The word "Mobile" was given for the first time to Calder's suspended sculptures by his friend Marcel Duchamp.
So, Alexander Calder's sculptures, sculptures he began to create in the 1930s, were named "Mobiles".
For the realization of this mobile, he cut aluminium sheets reminiscent of the shapes found in the works of art of the surrealists, for example, the pattern of Joan Miró's paintings.
But in addition to forms, it is the movement of the elements that constitute the life of the sculpture.
A slow movement of the parts at the top of the mobile, contrasting with the lower ones' much faster action.
Calder Arc of Petals | Bed Head | Mobile | Earrings
Artists Picasso | Pollock | Braque | Calder | Chagall | Dalí | Ernst | Kandinsky | Léger | Magritte | Miró | Modigliani | Brancusi | Brauner | Campigli | Chirico | Delaunay | Delvaux | Duchamp | Fini | Hartung | Kooning | Laurens | Malevich | Man Ray | Masson | Marini | Mondrian | Pegeen | Pevsner | Picabia | Tanguy | Tapies | Twombly | Warhol
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